Foreign Language, Literature and Linguistics Scholarships
Where there are gaps in dialogue, your expertise as a foreign language major serves as the bridge.
With our globalized and diverse societies, civilization increasingly depends on efficient communications with domestic and overseas organizations. Where there are gaps in translation, your expertise in foreign language, literature or linguistics, serves as the bridge.
Afro-asiatic, Altaic, Romance, Caucasian, Uralic; whatever category your language falls under will make you an invaluable asset to any industry. Beyond fluency, you will also learn about the rich history and current customs of fascinating cultures, further enhancing your appreciation and knowledge of foreign nations.
If you're and undergraduate or graduate student and interested in applying for literature, linguistics or foreign language scholarships, use our vast list of opportunities to get started.
Bon chance, 頑張って, Buena suerte, 好运, Glück, Boa sorte, حظا سعيدا, Buona fortuna, 행운을 빌어요, Good luck!!!
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