Most Unusual Scholarship Interview Questions
You have your best suit on, you’re five minutes early, and you’ve practiced dozens of interview questions you found online. Yet, just when you thought you were 100% prepared, the interviewers throw a curveball question at you. Here are some bizarre questions you might face during an interview for that big scholarship.
1. If you were a cookie, what type of cookie would you be?
Interviewers might ask this question to get a feel for your creative side. You might be a chocolate chip, snickerdoodle, or ginger snap. There isn’t necessarily a right or wrong answer for this. Your answer just helps them to get a feel for your personality.
2. What kind of ice cream best describes your personality?
There seems to be a pattern with interviewers asking food related questions…Once again, I think the interviewers are just looking for creativity here. Whatever answer you choose, just make sure to back it up with an explanation. Don’t just say, “I would be vanilla ice cream.” Give a reason for that answer choice.
3. What is the capital of…?
Insert any random state or country. I don’t believe this question is necessarily fair, because some people - like myself - are terrible with geography. However, it is important to know general facts about our country and the world. They may want to see how you deal with pressure, but they may also want to see just how well-informed you are.
4. What are your opinions on…?
This question is usually politically related. The interviewers aren’t necessarily interested in hearing your personal political views, but rather interested in seeing how you handle the question. You want to avoid coming off too strong or offending anyone. What they are most likely looking for is to see how you approach tough topics. What’s your logic, reasoning, and thought process?
5. What will you do if you do not receive this scholarship?
This question is difficult to answer. “Um, just continue living my life and applying to other scholarships?” Try to answer this question positively. For example, “I will be very disappointed if I am not the winner of this scholarship, however, I understand that not everyone can receive it. I will most likely invest some of my time in applying to additional scholarships and continuing to work towards my goals.”
6. What is your most embarrassing moment?
I found this question incredibly random. Try to think of something genuine, yet professional. If it’s a story you wouldn’t share with your grandmother, don’t share it during the interview. This is a good one to practice ahead of time. It can be hard to think about past situations like this on the spot.
7. Additional “random” questions that are just to make conversation.
Although there will be direct interview questions that are planned, remember that interviewers will ask other questions just to make conversation and see what kind of person you are. Questions such as “How was the drive here?” or “Where did you get your shoes from?” should be expected.
No matter what unusual interview question you’re faced with, just remember that it’s perfectly okay to ask for a moment to think! Don’t feel pressured to respond right away with the first thought that pops into your head. Take a deep breath, and don’t panic!